The Fourth International Conference on Power Data Science
The Fourth International Conference on Power Data Science (ICPDS 2022) will be held in Kunming, on October 22-23, 2022 hosted by Huadian Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd, North China Electric Power University, Harbin University of Science and Technology and National Academy of Guo Ding Institute of Data Science. The conference is one of the major conferences in interdisciplinary of data science and power systems. ICPDS 2022 will open up an opportunity for academics and industrial professionals worldwide to exchange their knowledge of the state-of-the-art knowledge of data sciences and techniques on power systems. Recent development of data-driven power systems, electric vehicles and traction systems, and renewable energy systems are encouraged.
The conference will feature oral and poster presentations. Invited speakers will focus attention on future trends in areas of interest to the conference. An exhibition area, with technical facilities, will be considered.
The proceedings of ICPDS 2022 will be published on the IET Digital Library, IEEE Xplore and indexed in IET Inspec, and submitted for indexing in Ei Compendex and Scopus.
The event, scheduled for October 22nd-23rd, 2022, will be held in Kunming, China, but will be accessible in a hybrid mode for those who join remotely ……